17. Scenario Example 1 : Housing Safety and Security

Level: level auto_fit

17.1. Introduction:

Safety and Security is an important part of the smart home concept. With help from each sensor installed at home, it can reduce the chance of getting property damage, and even save a life.

This Scenario is the integration of these five functions:

  • Security Vanguard Alarm System (Case 2)

  • Toilet Water Leakage Detection System (Case 4)

  • Smart Fridge Alert (Case 5)

  • Mechanical Password Switch Door (Case 6)

  • Kitchen Safety Flame Monitoring Alert (Case 11)

17.2. Part List:


17.3. IOT Technology Applied:


17.4. Assembly Step:

Refer case 2, 4, 5, 6, 11

17.5. Hardware connect:

  • Connect the Motion sensor to P2.

  • Connect Distance Sensor to P14,P15.

  • Pull down the buzzer switch to connect the buzzer.

  • Connect the two crocodile clip cables to P1 and GND.

  • Connect the Light sensor to Pin P3.

  • Connect the flame sensor to P10.

  • Connect the Multi-Color LED to P7.


17.6. Programming (MakeCode):

Scenario 1 Full Solution

MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S61198-44804-77333-00780

You could also download the program from the following website:

17.7. Step By Step Tutorial

Part 1: Setting up the Security Vanguard Alarm System (Case 2 Revised)

1.1 Hardware Connect

  • Connect the Motion sensor to P2.

  • Connect Distance Sensor to P14,P15.

  • Pull down the buzzer switch to connect the buzzer.


1.2 Programming (MakeCode)

Step 1. Disable the LED and initialize OLED

  • Snap led enable false inside on start.

  • Snap initialize OLED with width 128 and height 64.


Step 2. Set up the function warning

  • Add a new function name warning.

  • Snap play tone Middle C for ½ beat until done.

  • Snap play tone High D for ½ beat until done.


Step 3. Setup the function door_detect

  • Add a new function name door_detect.

  • Snap if loop into the function.

  • Snap if Get distance unit cm trig P14 echo P15 <10 or Get motion (triggered or not) at Pin P4 = true into the if loop.

  • Then, snap show string “Theft: Yes” inside the if loop.

  • Snap call function warning inside the if loop.

  • Connect the button module to P2.

  • Connect the 180 degree servo to P6.


Step 4. Call door_detect function

  • In block forever, snap clear OLED display.

  • Snap call door_detect.

  • Snap pause for 1 second.


Part 1 Solution:

MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S66473-37165-59133-38155

You could also download the program from the following website:

Part 1 Result

When someone gets close to the door, either the distance sensor or motion sensor will detect it and warn alert to house owner.


Part 2: Setting up the Toilet Water Leakage Detection System (Case 4 revised)

2.1 Hardware Connect

  • Connect the two crocodile clip cables to P1 and GND.


2.2 Programming (MakeCode)

Step 1. Setup function flooding

  • Add a new function name flooding.

  • Snap show string join flood: pin P1 is pressed.

  • Snap pin P1 is pressed = true as condition.

  • If in if segment, that’s means the water was connected two clips.

  • Call warning function.


Step 2. Call function flooding

  • In forever, snap call function flooding.


Part 2 Full Solution:


MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S17909-52571-32388-28882

You could also download the program from the following website:

Part 2 Result

When the water level rises to the crocodile clip’s position, the warning sound is triggered to warn the user.


Part 3: Setting up the Smart Fridge Alert (Case 5 revised)

3.1 Hardware Connect

  • Connect the Light sensor to Pin P3.


3.2 Programming (MakeCode)

Step 1. Initialize counter variable

  • Create a “fridge” variable and set to 0.


Step 2. Setup function fridge_detect

  • Add a new function name fridge_detect.

  • Snap show string join fridge light: Get light value (percentage) at Pin P3.

  • Snap if Get light value (percentage) at Pin P3 >= 30.

  • Add the counter with 1 by change counter by 1 to sum up the time of door opened.

  • Snap show string join Count: fridge.

  • Put the second if statement with counter >= 60 condition to examine when should issue warning sound, snap show string fridge: open and call warning into the loop.

  • Back to the first if-else level, in the else segment, that’s means light intensity is weak, door was closed, so reset the counter to 0 by set counter to 0.


Step 3. Call fridge_detect function

  • In block forever. Snap call fridge_detect.


Part 3 Full Solution:


MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S75244-62730-44298-33665

You could also download the program from the following website:

Part 3 Result

When the door is opened for more than 1 minute, the buzzer will play some sound to warn the user.


Part 4: Setting up the Mechanical Password Switch Door (Case 6 revised)

4.1 Hardware Connect

  • Connect the button module to P2.

  • Connect the 180 degree servo to P6.


4.2 Programming (MakeCode)

Step 1. Create variables

  • In on start, create a variable called btnA, btnB, unlock.

  • Set btnA ,btnB to 0 and set unlock to false.


Step 2. Monitoring the button pressing state and take action

  • Snap the When Button at P2 pressed block to editor.

  • Put a if statement in the When Button at P2 pressed block.

  • Set the condition to unlock = true.

  • When unlock = true, that’s means it is unlock successfully, the servo should open the door by Turn 180 servo to 180 degree at P6, after that, wait for 5 second by pause (ms) 5000, then close and lock the door again by Turn 180 servo to 70 degree at P6 and set variable unlock to false.


Step 3. Set the password input method

  • Snap on button A pressed to editor.

  • Use change btnA by 1 to increase the count variable by 1.

  • Repeat the step with minor differences on target to let button B also can increase btnB.


Step 4. password input method

  • Snap on button A+B pressed to editor.

  • Put an if-else statement inside.

  • Use btnA = 2 and btnB = 3 as conditions, you may also change it to your favourite password.

  • In the if segment, that means the input is correct, set unlock to true to allow open the door when press the extended button.

  • In the else segment, that means the input is not correct, set unlock to false to deny open the door when press the extended button.

  • Reset the two count variable btnA and btnB to 0 for next input.


Part 4 Full Solution:


MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S73904-64474-11158-74864

You could also download the program from the following website:

Part 4 Result

After pressing the correct number of button A and B, press A+B to do the validation.
If it is the correct password, press the extended button, the door will open. After 5 seconds, the door will close and lock again. If wrong, do not open the door.


Part 5: Setting up the Kitchen Safety Flame Monitoring Alert (Case 11 Revised)

5.1 Hardware Connect

  • Connect the flame sensor to P10.

  • Connect the Multi-Color LED to P7.


5.2 IOT Setup (IFTTT)

  • Go to https://ifttt.com/ , create applet (if webhooks then Notification)


  • Go to “My services” > “Webhooks”, select “Documentation” . Copy your Webhooks Key as follows:


Optional: Use email as notification method

  • In the THEN field, search for the “email” and use it to replace the “notifications” in the previous step.


5.3 Programming (MakeCode)

Step 1. Connect to WiFi, create variable.

  • Snap Initialize IoT:bit TX P16 RX P8 from IoT:bit to on start.

  • Snap Set Wi-Fi to ssid pwd from IoT:bit.

  • Enter your Wi-Fi name and password.

  • Snap Set strip to NeoPixel at pin P7 with 1 leds as RGB(GRB format)


Step 2. Show device_ID after WiFi connection

  • Snap show device_ID from basic to On WiFi connected.


Step 3. Setup the function Flame_detect

  • Add a new function name Flame_detect.

  • Inside the function, put an if statement with condition Get flame detection at Pin P10 = true to recognize the flame.

  • Inside the if loop, put an if statement with condition WiFi connected? to check the connection status.

  • Inside the if statement, Put a Send IFTTT key* XXXXXXXXX event_name* XXXXX …. to send the event to IFTTT. Fill in the IFTTT key from your Webhooks and the Applet’s event_name (fire).

  • Outside the if wifi connected loop, snap show string Fire:detected,

  • Also, snap call warning into the first if loop .


Step 4. Update the warning function

  • In the function warning, snap strip show color red and strip show color black into the function.


Step 5. Check the Upload result

  • To check the upload state, use the On IFTTT Uploaded to get the sending result.

  • Inside the On IFTTT Uploaded, use OLED display to show the information.

  • Clear the OLED display before each update by clear OLED display.

  • Show upload state by show string join IFTTT: Status, the Status value is from the function’s placeholder.


Step 6. Call Fire_detect

  • In forever, call Fire_detect.


Part 5 Full Solution:


MakeCode: https://makecode.microbit.org/S61198-44804-77333-00780

You could also download the program from the following website:

Part 5 Result:

When the flame source is detected by the flame sensor, it will trigger to blink the LED, making alert sound, and send the warning notification to IFTTT.

